Sunday, 24 May 2020


Life was never designed to have all fingers equal, but all fingers have the right to be important and valued.

We all grew up to know that the sky is large enough for everyone to soar which actually sounds true but logically seem to be an illusion.

Take for instance a nation can only have one president per time, an organization can only have one GMD at a time and so forth. So please tell me how come this big sky is only accommodating one person at a time if we all can be up there???

I know some logical people will be supporting that question right now but could it be that we have not been looking at things from the right direction??

We can't all be the pilot but we can all be in the plane flying so high if only we will stop trying to be the pilot and be the best of us that we were designed to be. The little finger is not less important than the middle finger. They are both important in their own way but they can never be equal in size.

Perhaps I think it's time you stop fighting for equality and start striving at bringing out uniqueness.

There's something unique about you that equality will only succeed in covering. Don't let that happen.

Happy New Week!!!

Sunday, 10 May 2020


It's ok to start small, as long as you don't stop growing.

My generation is a funny one, I don't know if yours can relate with it. My generation believes in making it quick and they wouldn't mind cutting every process short either in righteousness or unrighteousness as long as it makes them get to where they envisaged faster.

Coming to think about it, you will agree with me that it is not abnormal to suddenly breakforth and breakthrough, particularly because we may not have known what or which processes have been going on in the past. But we must generally recognize that life is a process. Hence the need to grow and follow process.

Appreciate greatness but give growth it's due course. Rome we often say was not built in a day. Don't be ashamed to start small especially when that is your only option. Process is a language that only becomes clearer with time. It may seem like jagon initially but it will eventually make sense.

So, please pick something from all the fables I have written for the week and take that step you need to now.

Happy New Week 🎉

©J.O Akubo


Keep staying Safe!!!

Sunday, 3 May 2020


If staying safe is save stay there, otherwise take the step that will get you into safety.

Of late I have been ending the weekly catalyst with keep staying safe and some how this question popped up in my head," How safe is staying safe?"

Please for clarity I am not in anyway referring to staying safe from Covid 19 right now. So on that please stay safe.

Now back to the crust of my message, so many of us have stayed so long in the comfort zone of danger with the wrong ideology of staying safe. We won't invest because it's too risky, some won't start a family because they feel it's too risky for their current level, some can't afford to take the step that will open up their destinies because of the fear of failure and rejection and so forth.

Look, again I am saying, if staying safe is save stay there otherwise, you better take that step that will get you into the safety of fulfilment.

I dare you this week to take that step you have kept procrastinating.

May be the write up is not clear enough, just answer the question how safe is staying safe?

Happy New Week 🎉

©J.O Akubo

Keep staying safe from Covid-19