Sunday, 26 April 2020


The beauty of life is in satisfaction and fulfilment and not just in more.

First things first, I never said wanting more like Oliver twist is bad. As a matter of fact, growth often times comes with more.However, when more becomes the focus instead of fulfilment and genuine satisfaction then something is gradually getting misplaced.

Enough of the parables, grow, work at becoming successful, productive and exceptional but please, don't do it at the expense of fulfilment.

Life has been like a blink of an eye but it's becoming more evident especially in this times. As such I think it is wiser to spend this long short life on things that brings true joy and happiness, peace and fulfilment instead of pursuing shadows that only ends up creating more emptiness.

Value realationships, become more serious with family and love and most importantly get closer to your maker.

Happy New Week!!!

©J.O Akubo

Keep Staying Safe.

Sunday, 5 April 2020


It doesn't have to initially make sense to eventually make sense.

Hello! It feels good to be back. I went on a one month recess and I am back.

In the face of the so many things happening in our world today like the Covid 19 pandemic, we must deliberately decide not to allow events determine our destiny. So many things may not be adding up right now and there is a tendency to have our thoughts go haywire. However you must always remember that things are not always as they seem.

Golds are not initially beautiful and adorable but they eventually become beautiful and admirable after some heat processes.

I am sure of one thing, the world isn't ending yet so keep staying safe and keep believing the evolution of a better tomorrow.

Happy new week 🎉