Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Diabetes mellitus (DM) By JIBRIN ENEOJO SUNDAY

contact:email- or call +2348136470553 Diabetes mellitus commonly known as diabetes is a chronic lifelong condition that affects the body’s ability to use the energy food in food. There are three major types of diabetes; type 1 diabetes, type2 diabetes and gestational diabetes. All the types of diabetes mellitus have something in common. Normally your body breaks down the sugars and the carbohydrates you eat with simple sugar called glucose (dextrose blood sugar). This Glucose fuels the blood in the body and it’s absorbed by insulin which is present in the blood cells. So in the case of diabetes mellitus it’s either the body doesn’t make enough insulin or it cannot use the insulin it produces or a combination of both. Since the cells can’t take in the glucose it builds up in your blood it results in increase in your fasting blood sugar (FBS) and random blood Sugar (RBS) above normal. High levels of blood glucose can damage the tiny blood vessels in your kidneys, heart, eyes or nervous system. That’s why diabetes especially if left untreated can eventually cause heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, blindness and nerve damage to nerves in the feet. Type 1 diabetes Type 1 diabetes also called insulin dependent diabetes or called juvenile-onset diabetes because it often begins from childhood. It is an autoimmune condition. Its caused by the body attacking its own pancreas with antibodies thus the damaged pancreas doesn’t make insulin. It’s caused by a genetic predisposition and could also be the result of faulty beta cells in the pancreas that normally produce insulin. Treatment for type 1 diabetes involves taking insulin, which needs to be injected through the skin into fatty tissue below. Type 2 Diabetes This is the most common form of diabetes accounting for 95 % of diabetes cases in adults. It was called adult-onset diabetes, but with the epidemic of obsessed and overweight kids, more teenagers are now developing type 2 diabetes. It’s also called non-insulin dependent diabetes. It’s actually milder than type 1 nevertheless it causes major health complications. Particularly in the smallest blood vessels that nourish the kidneys, nerves and eyes. It also increases risk to heart disease and stroke. With type 2 diabetes the pancrease usually produces some insulin. Lack of sensitivity to insulin witnessed here happens primarily in fat, liver and muscle cells. Thus its common with obese people. Gestational Diabetes. This is triggered by pregnancy (pregnancy to some degree leads to insulin resistance). It’s often diagnosed in middle or late pregnancy. Since the high blood sugar level sugar in the mother can be circulated to the baby through the placenta, this type of diabetes must be controlled to protect the baby’s growth and development. This type of diabetes usually resolves itself after pregnancy. However it poses a risk of type 2 diabetes to the mother in the future and it may also result in over weight of the baby before birth. Therefore a case of gestational diabetes requires a close work with the care team. Symptoms of diabetes mellitus are • Frequent and large volume of urine • Excessive thirst • Increased appetite • Loss of weight • Blurred vision Help For now there is no cure to diabetes but it can only be managed through nutrition and diet. In diet management the quantity and not just the quanlity of food must be considered. Thus try as much as possible to AVOID or REDUCE the intake of sugar, honey, energy drink, flavoured drinks, fruit drinks, alcohol, all malt drinks, condensed milk, pastries, yam flour excessive use of palm oil, vegetable oil and all other stimulants. Also avoid smoking or snuffing of tobacco. TAKE more of vegetables as it contains fibre and other vitamins which help to control the rate at which sugar runs in the blood. Also you can take skimmed milks and low fat cheese. ENSURE that you always consult the dietician on dietary, establish a routine of regular exercise, and avoid skipping meals. Also endeavour to take insulin or drugs as directed by doctors or medical practitioners.

Positive Character over-rides Charisma by JULIUS OJONUGWA AKUBO

A young man in his early twenties walked briskly into an organization for an interview with all the “confidence in the world”. Having graduated from one of the best schools in the world, one wouldn’t expect less than the Italian suit and shoes he wore coupled with the Rolex wristwatch he was putting on. Amazingly he met a lady just some few steps before the receptionist. Trying to catch up with time the lady incidentally stepped on him. Not even waiting for any form of apology he busted into nagging. The lady tried all she could to calm him down but only then did his uncontrolled anger aggravated. He ranted for some few minutes even after the lady had gone, then he finally went to the receptionist to be directed to his place of interview. Getting to the spot of interview he discovered that the lady he had just finished ranting on was the head of the panel conducting the interview. You could imagine what happened even after emerging as the most qualified paper-wise in that interview. We have become so charisma oriented that we have thrown away an important quality as character. Charisma may sure be a ladder to top but only character will sustain you there. Character simply put is the set of qualities that make somebody or something distinctive, especially somebody's qualities of mind and feeling. It starts with just an action grows in to a habit and finally turns out to become a character. Whereas Charisma is the ability to inspire enthusiasm, interest, or affection in others by means of personal charm or influence. Everybody may possess charisma but we can’t clearly say everybody has the positive character. Character in in terms of personal perspective and in terms relating with people are necessities that must be well built in the life of every individual that must be successful. • Personal perspective: this aspect covers everything that has to do with the behavior and conduct of an individual in such a way that he or she can be identified with such traits. Personal perspective of character includes eating habits, neatness, discipline, diligence and mindsets amongst others. Poor eating habits, carelessness, lack of diligence and wrong mindsets has contributed greatly to the setbacks in the life of so many in recent days. A guy once told me he was breaking up with his fiancĂ©e simply because he felt the lady was poor in cleanliness. We overlook so many “basics” that eventually turns out to become the little foxes that spoil the vine in our lives. I see no reason why a young lady should be poor in cooking and other house chores knowing so well that these are basics she should have developed while growing up. You like it or not they are so many things you must develop yourself “to do” and “not do”. Time management is part of the components of good character and it’s built over time just like every other components of character. • Relating with People; this aspect of character deals with the way an individual relates with people and not just him or herself. From the interview story I earlier narrated you would discover that the guy was deficient in the aspect of character that pertains to relating with people. You may have developed all the best of personal character in good measure but you must also build the way you relate with people well. Poor talking habits and poor socialising habits could end up terminating all the prospects of your charisma if you don’t work on them. Your ability to accommodate the excesses of people as well as speaking politely and correctly is part of the attributes of the good character that you must develop. Having explained in a sketchy form, what character is all about you must know that the benefits of positive character over charisma includes’ i. Enduring success ii. Self confidence iii. Efficiency iv. Reliability and trustworthiness v. Effectiveness vi. unplanned opportunities amongst so many others Conclusion What defines a man are the things he/she does, believe and think and these things are what make up his character. Building a positive character is obviously more dependable than just having some level of charisma. It may interest you that developing a positive character is a process that takes time but just as “Rome was not built in one day” you must be ready to pay for the sacrifice you will have to make to finally get what you want. Charisma can only make you a king but you need a good character to remain a king.

Saturday, 12 September 2015


Introduction Education from the origin was instituted not just to make people professionals in their areas of discipline but to affect and transform the general life of the educated in to a better personality academically and socially. Unfortunately many educated people in this generation have missed the balance as they either only concentrate on the academics or purely focus on the social aspect of education. However we must note that a miss balance irrespective of its causative reasons can never be better than a balance. Practically i shall be focusing on the social aspect of education as it relates to the various campuses in our higher institutions of learning in this article. This is because i have discovered that we have so many instructors educating us on the academics with very few emphasising the social aspect. Ironically we have a higher population of students ignorantly focusing on the socials when compared to the Academics hence the social imbalances in the society of today. What is social life? From a chat with some people I was made to understand that the concept of social life means different things to different people. After a cognitive analysis I was able to deduce that social life is primarily centered on relationships. Breaking it down for better understanding we will have “social” and “life”. So what’s social and what’s life? The English dictionary termed “social” as it pertains to people to be an activity in which people meet each other for pleasure. It also defines “life” in this context as the experiences or activities that are typical of all people’s existence. Basically social life consists of people, experiences, pleasure and existence. Summarising everything I would say social life is the catalogue of all the typical experiences people carry out in the course of their existence with the soul aim of pleasure. It includes activities like friendship, fellowship, mentorship, leadership and relationships in general. You may claim to be too serious and ask why “pleasure”, but let me tell you, one of the basic reasons why you do everything and anything is pleasure. It’s actually the satisfaction you derive from your actions. Why discuss social Life Perhaps you may be wondering why all these stories about social life? It is simple, social life on campuses has become a mess especially in this generation. It is either over emphasised or never experienced at all. People no longer make friends; it’s now all about the human greed of me and me alone. To crown it up you find them posing excuses like “first thing first ooooo” “I know what brought me to school” and a whole lot of other stories that are not even logically appropriate. I once heard of a principal who became a commissioner of Agriculture during the military era all because of the relationship he built with the then military governor back in their school days. What am I saying in essence Academics alone is limited if you must ever become somebody in this generation. We all at some point will have need for each other so you can imagine how it will be when the person you have need of is one of the people you never even said hello to when you should have. Social life is not just all about friendship; it also covers the area of leadership and followership. One of the basic things a student should learn on campus outside the academics activity is either of leadership or followership. I said either because we cannot all be leaders neither can we all be followers. So many students have streamlined politics on campus to a corrupt and morally unstable activity that preaches nothing other than embezzlement corniness. But that is not the actual truth. A leader that has learnt how to lead ten people effectively will without doubt be a better leader than one who has never lead at all although there are rare exceptional cases. Leadership and followership on campuses is a controlled specimen of the larger world reality. Thus your ability to submit to authority and lead effectively is part of the social life you should learn while on campus. Of a truth leadership on campuses are almost nothing to write home about. But one thing you must note is that the leader is who the followers want and allow him/her to be. Better put the leader is the product of the followers. The type of leadership you have on campus is the prototype of what you have in the real world, be it democratic, autocratic, and what have you. Correct the leadership and followership on campus and the societal leadership and followership will take a new turn. Mentorship is one of the constituents of social life because it deals with relationship. Many people have missed the essence of mentorship as it has just become an activity people do because they see others do. But mentorship is needful and its part of the things you should develop to have a sound social life. a mentor is one who has gone ahead of you in life at such u are at an advantage when you have a mentor because you wouldn’t have to struggle much with the life challenges he or she has already encountered. Finally as i conclude I know you may be wondering where partying and celebrating comes to play in your social life. Of a truth they are part of your social life but you must learn to acknowledge limits and wisdom which is what is missing in most parties and celebration on campuses. We can never separate morality from a good social life. Yes you could have birthday parties, graduation parties, send forth parties and the likes but who told you that a party is incomplete without alcohol and sexually immoral activities? Or who says a party must be in the night? I said morality initially but I will like to add that irrespective of your moral standards your spiritual life which I will not be emphasising could tell how your social life is to some great extent. What you do and the people you relate with are as a result of who and what you believe. Others may regard your spiritual life as part of your social life but I am convinced personally without doubt that the two are different. Conclusion In conclusion I will like you to know that social life is not a story that concerns just a group of people neither is it a term that exist in isolation. What makes you complete as a human being are your spiritual life, social life, and academic life. Every other thing is traceable to the three spheres of life above. So in as much as we have discussed social life, you must learn to balance it with your academic and spiritual life if you must be a complete being. Don’t see social life to be less important, and don’t take it as the most important.

Monday, 15 June 2015


There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self. Aldous Huxley... become a better person today Good morning!

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Science Alert : Smokeless Fuel

Smokeless fuel is the latest modern innovation in the solid fuel industry. It is any fuel which does not produce visible smoke when burned. To get smokeless fuel solid fuel is manufactured in such away that the smoke level is reduced, thus controlling the environmental hazards that could have resulted from its usage. Aside from the environmental importance which make smokeless fuel so popular, they are also better than the traditional solid fuels, and can help to save consumers money. Smokeless fuel last as much as 40% longer than coal,whilst producing 20% less CO2.
Smokeless fuel contains sufficient amount of carbon  thus are good for both open fires and closed appliances. Coal Products Ltd (CPL) smokeless fuels currently leads the market of smokeless fuel  because their smokeless fuels use natural binders to ensure that they are as kind as possible to the environment. Charcoal is one of the examples of smokeless fuel but wood is not a smokeless fuel.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Ocheh Emmanuel`s paradigm on personality

I shall expatiate more on this in three stages;
First stage- Definition of subject matter i.e.
Second stage- An overview of suggested factors.
1. Social factors
2. Cultural factors
3. Environmental factors
4. Mindset and mentality
5. Gene/hereditary
Third stage- Appointment of percentage values/
justification of values
First stage-
Personality- Is the combination of characteristics or
qualities that forms the distinct character of an
individual, it is the qualities that makes someone
interesting or popular. It is also supreme realization of
the innate idiosyncrasy of a living being. Personality
arises from within the individual and remains firmly
consistent throughout life. It can also be seen as the
particular combination of emotional, attitudinal and
behavioral response to patterns of an individual.
Personality can also be seen as the characteristic
pattern of thought, feelings and behaviours that make
a person unique. Almost everyday we describe and
access the personalities of the people around us
whether we realize it or not, these dearly musings on
how and why people behave as they do.
Second Stage
1. Social structures- Is a term used in social sciences
to refer to patterned social arrangements which forms
the society as a whole and which determines to some
varying degree the actions of individuals socialized
into that structure. The structure may include;
educational system, legal system, family system,
religion system, law, economy and class.
2. Cultural factors- Culture entails the totality of
people’s ways of living, or embodiment of ideologies,
heritage, beliefs, myths, mores, folkways, norms, laws
etc. that guides individuals, a society or community.
Therefore, the culture an individual grows into affect
totally the ideological mentality of that person,
because of the satisfying and gratifying nature of that
culture, the individual finds it difficult to welcome
other external ideologies therefore becoming part of
him and which also affects his or her interaction and
relationship in the society. For example, some people
grew up into cultures that forbids men from cooking or
entering the kitchen and it has generally been
observed that such men finds it difficult to even help
their wives in the kitchen or housework even in her
period of pregnancy.
3. Environmental factors- The type of environment an
individual is brought up determines more, what and
how the life of that individual becomes. It has been
psychologically and sociologically proved that an
individual who grows up in a harsh environment,
becomes a very shy and egocentric person and also
an individual who grows up under too much care of
the parents without consideration, enjoys whatever
he/she wants even when necessity demands or not,
will grow up to have great phobia for hard work in
his/her lifetime etc.
4. Mindset and mentality- As the saying goes,
‘whatever an individual conceives in the mind,
determines his/her direction and also your character
which further in turn determines your habit which is
the life itself. In other words everybody is a product of
his mentality about himself/herself, that is why
despite the environment one grows, if the mind is
made up in another direction the person tends to grow
in that direction. The human mind is a wonderful
thing that controls all conscious and sub-conscious
activities and mentality, the particular way of thinking
of a person or groups, which also can be fixed ideas
that somebody has and that is often difficult to
change. An overview of the mindset theory developed
and refined by G. Witzer (1990). Individuals are more
likely to fulfill some goals if they imagined when and
where they will implement these behaviours called
implementation intention. In implementing these
intentions it comprises two broad phases, each
phases initiates a distinctive profile of cognitive
processes. The first stage is called pre-decisional or
deliberative, during this phase individual need to
decide which goal or set of goals to pursue. Their
main objective is to choose the optimal goal and
therefore they consider the benefits and drawbacks of
each option openly without bias (Puca, 2001, Taylor
and Gollwitzer 1995). The second phase is called
post-decisional or implemental, during this phase
individuals must initiate and action to realize the goal
they selected, and their main objective is to remain
committed to the goal. Hence, they often consider the
benefits of the chosen goal neglecting contradictory
information (Puca, 2001, Taylor and Gollwtzer 1995)
5. Gene/heredity- Hereditary materials, traits that are
biologically transferred to a person, and these genes
contains 46 chromosomes, out of which 23
chromosomes are from the father and 23 are from the
mother. In these are contained the characteristics
features of the progenitors and these features which
are transferred to the progeny makes the progeny to
act likely to the progenitor, for example an individual
is likely to inherit temperamental excesses from the
progenitors i.e. anger, excitement etc.
Third Stage- Apportionment and justification of
percentage values, general workings of all factors;
The way, manner, reason people behave the way they
do are influenced and determined mostly by social,
cultural and environmental settings and that is why it
forms 70% of influencing factors of individual
personality. The genes also affect personality because
an individual cannot act outside what is inside of him
or her because these things are already inherent part
of that individual. The genes occupies 5% of
determining factors of individual personality because
the genes can be suppressed by the environment and
also the environment makes the genes manifested to
its fullest medium depending on how favourable the
environment is. The mind which is the conscious and
sub-conscious home of an individual also affects his/
her personality because it is what is determined here
an individual follows most often, if the mind does not
agree with other factors the individual cannot be
influenced by it and that is why it occupies 25% of the
influencing factors. This can be exemplified using
twins, twins are believed to have inherited the same
genes from both parents and now if this twins grew
up in the same social, cultural and environmental
setting, then generally it is believed that they should
possess the same personality and social behaviour,
but it is not so because the mind function of a person
is not the same with another person, no two
individuals think the same way at all times, that is why
even identical twins does not possess the same
characters because the mindset of each is different.
Hence, no individual can possess a well defined
personality without the workings of all these factors.
Nurture versus Nature according to Maclver, every
phenomenon of life is the product of both environment
and genes, each is as necessary to the result of other,
neither can ever be eliminated and neither can be
isolated. No society is a product of environment alone
for men inherit physical heritage.
There is an incessant interaction between the two,
they are inseparable. One man is a criminal, one is a
militarist and another pacifist, both of these have
been in operation since time immemorial to produce
every particular situation and much of these are
always produced by the interaction of gene substance
and their environment. All qualities of life are in the
genes, all the evocations of qualities depend on the
environment. Genes have potentialities and
environment offers a chance of bringing them out
which follows the principles that the higher the
potentiality, the greater the demand made on
environment. The more elastic the life, the more it is at
the mercy of the environment. That is why environment
affect us most in the earlier years of our life.
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