Thursday, 4 December 2014

HIV Victims and you by Julius,O.Akubo

Thirty-five million people worldwide are said to be affected with HIV/AID in accordance with the Joint Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the painful fact is that most of these people are not aware of this dilemma, so you can imagine how fast it would spread due to ignorance. But come to think of it, even those who know about it are so scared of sharing it freely because they are afraid of rejection and intimidation. And as it is popularly said “A Problem Shared is half solved” but how can people solve their problem halfway when they can’t share it.
   Aids has killed even more than the two world wars, Korean war, Vietnam war and the Congo war put together yet new people are being infected almost daily due to ignorance. Many of the HIV victims have died majorlly due to dejection and rejection and not the virus itself. An HIV victim is similar to someone infected with malaria only that malaria has some sought of cure. Optimistically I believe that in the nearest future, the cure for HIV and Aids would be discovered, but why we await the cure there is need for proper sensitisation.
The virus can’t be transmitted through a hug, handshake or even a peck as it has been proved by science that five cups of spittoon is needed for HIV to be transmitted through the mouth, so you can imagine our actions in the past. Happy people are liable to live longer so we can make these people live long by simply making friends and relating with them to keep them happy and relaxed. An HIV victim either by accident (unexpected) or by circumstance of environment should know that having HIV does not mean live is over. It has being proven that HIV victims can live their normal God given length of life if only they take their medication serious even though the medication for now only helps to strengthen the immune system.
You have a part to play in bringing HIV to an end, stop spreading it and stop stigmatising the already infected. It’s my dream that in no longer time from now the drug that will permanently cure HIV will be discovered.

Monday, 1 December 2014

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Nigerian Petroleum Minister becomes OPEC President,

Mrs. Alison- Madueke, has made
another remarkable history depicting a
true Nigerian woman. Added to being
the first female minister of petroleum
and first female minister of
transportation in Nigeria Alison
Madueke has being elected as the first
female OPEC president. .
Mrs. Alison-Madueke, who makes
history as
the first female to be elected into the
was elected just as members of OPEC
their meeting at the headquarters of the
group in in Vienna, Austria.
She succeeds Libyan Vice-Prime
Minister for
Corporations, Abdourhman Atahar Al-
Ahirish. Congratulations to the
honorable Minister.

Friday, 31 October 2014


With the frequent cases of rapes in the society of today mostly emanating from our higher institutions of learning, one would be forced to enquire into the cause of this quagmire. Who actually is to be blamed for the abnormality, the innocent lady exhibiting all her civic right that includes freedom of what to wear with respect to dressing or the male man out there who is forced to respond to stimuli because of lack of self-control? Many a times we are made to understand that there are actually two sides to every life situation but it’s crucial to note that one of those two sides is always negative. It therefore means that we must be diligent enough to address every issue from all perspective if we must proffer a feasible solution.
Rape literally is the act of forcing sexual intercourse or other sexual activity upon another person against their will. What this means is that, any sexual activity that is not originated out of a consensus between the two parties involved is termed a rape case and its punishable by law depending on the State or country in question. What then is the cause of rape?
From observations and enquiries I have being able to deduce that one of the major causes of rape especially amongst the unmarried people is the common indecent dressing by the ladies. It has become a habit for young girls to put on dresses that exposes sensitive parts of their body or dresses that are too tight in the public. This they do without being conscious of the fact that they are incubating a sexual desire in the minds of the opposite sex. Considering the fact that this boys or men as the case may be may not be able to quench this desire in them at that instance through a consensus, they are forced to create an alternative which is rape.
Secondly its being discovered that the drive for Retaliation or pay back by some one time relationship that may have ended in an unpleasant way could be a reason for rape. For instance a guy who may have been in a relationship with a lady for over three years and have never had any sexual intercourse with that lady suddenly gets dumped by the lady for another guy for no just cause. In such a case maturity is required to overcome the bitterness that has being aroused in such a man and if the maturity is not there such a man may resort to any way of revenge amongst which rape is not far-fetched.
Another salient factor behind rape cases is the Lack of self-control by so many people in this our days. “So many people” and not just the male man this time because events have proved to us that there are rape cases orchestrated by ladies also, though not very rampant. All the reasons we earlier outlined will never feature if people were up to date with the issue of self-control. Your ability to bring your emotion under your control is one of the symptoms of true maturity and that seems to be lacking in this generation so it makes me worry less when people look for reasons behind rape. Self-control is salient and a deficiency in it could be a mother of evil.
Finally we can also talk of Sexual deprivation by couples as a reason behind marital rape. This we will not expanciate as this paper is restricted to the border of the youths. That notwithstanding we have heard of cases where the husband had to forcefully have sex with the wife reasons best known to them. Perhaps he may have a genuine reason for enforcing sex on his wife but it does not still negate the fact that it’s a rape case.
The causes mentioned above are few out of the numerous reasons behind rape cases but it’s paramount to note that no reason whatsoever is equitable enough to make a wrong right. Yes there are legislations and  sentences against rapist by different nations of the world which is good but we must go back to the root and make people see the disaster and harm that rape has caused in time past, causing presently and will cause in future if it’s not well dealt with now. Shifting blames as to who or what causes a problem can only help magnify the problem for better evaluation but does not in any way solve the problem. It’s time we all rise to our feets say no to rape because I am tired of countless abortions, bastards and Disease cases resulting from rapes. You have a part to play in change find it now.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

TECHNOLOGY AN ENEMY OF LABOUR(Nigeria as a case study)

Without any atom of doubt we can considerably say that the speed of technological evolution in the world of today has been very spontaneous which originally shouldn’t be a problem. But the rate of its acceptance by so many nations of the world may eventually end up in incapacitating the labour sector of these countries which is an indicator of danger.
Labour as we know is the most perishable factor of production in that its service has got a time space (18 years to 65 years). It’s also the longest to generate when it comes to time of creation. The time it will take to produce sixty same types of machines is far lesser than the time it will take to build up a single labour for effective service. That notwithstanding labour is the most important factor of production at such any activity that will terminate the need of labour should be well evaluated before its being accepted. And this evaluation should involve a critical analysis of the nature of the country in question, i.e. if the country has a larger labour resources compared to its capital resources or a larger capital resources compared to its labour resources. Bear in mind that we shall be streamlining our factors of production to just labour and capital.
Considering our case country Nigeria, it’s glaring that Nigeria’s labour resources it’s far more than its capital resources which is certainly one of the reasons backing up the increasing unemployment level in the country. Taking this situation to mind one will think Nigeria to be one of the labour intensive advocating countries but the reverse is obviously the case as technology is fast gaining ground at the expense of the increasing labour supply of the country. Nigeria for one is one of the many countries whose citizens go against the laws of the land to mass produce labour (i.e. giving birth to more than four children) and the so many higher institutions in the republic are not failing in their duties to graduate thousands of labour in to the fast growing capital intensive society. Perhaps that could be one of the reasons behind the misbehaviours of citizens who literally ought to have shunned such behaviours. I will not mention such misbehaviours but they are visible. Banks and firms are all becoming “RobotBanks” and “Robotfirms” perhaps the security sphere of the economy may soon venture into this new found advancement soon which is if they have not already started. Going by modernisation and development I will personally applaud this sectors of the economy but I want to ask a question which is “where and what do they want the labour that have been working with them all this while and the thousands of the newly coming in labour to be doing or better put what is the fate of labour?” Because I know that these sectors are well out to maximise profit and it’s obvious that the machines are faster ways of actaulising this motive so you can guess which alternative this sectors will settle with between labour and robot machines.
Profit making is extremely paramount for any business venture that must survive and as a matter of fact I wouldn’t venture in to a business to make losses but it’s necessary and crucial to observe your location of production first before your choice of specialisation (labour intensive or capital intensive) which is where the Government comes in. No industry will choose labour over capital considering the long run effect but we know that our labour resources is ever growing so even if they face out in the long run  they will be a great reserve of available resources to readily substitute them. So I am suggesting that the government should make policies that promote more Labour intensive activities by firms and little supplementing capital (machine usage) activities if the current unemployment in the society must reduce bearing in mind that the losses in such policies are minimal with Nigeria as a case study.
Secondly if the economy must keep operating under the capital intensive nature that is fast taking over the economy then legislation should be made to reduce the number of births in the country if possible to two children per individual against the original four which is not even well practised.
Also the Government must see the need to operate under a closed economy for a while at least for a period long enough to build up the internal labour ability within the country. Importation should be limited to extremely “alternativeless” raw materials that is resources that cannot be produced in the country and has no alternatives.   
It’s high time we start checking all the advantages and disadvantages that accompany any technological innovation we choose to adopt if unemployment must ever become a story of the past in this country. Labour is what we have in abundance so let’s take our Nations absolute Advantage to mind.

Monday, 29 September 2014

WORLD BANK(IBRD) Nearly Double Funding in Ebola Crisis to $400 Million

Following the alarming evidence of the spread of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, the World Bank Group
today announced that it will nearly double its financing to $400 million to help the worst-affected countries address the emergency and
build stronger health systems for the years ahead
This represents $170 million in new funding.
With today's announcement, the Bank will put
$230 million toward the emergency response
and $170 million for medium- and long-term
projects. The new resources – which the World
Bank’s Board of Executive Directors will
consider in the coming weeks – will be
targeted at rapidly increasing the health care
workforce and purchasing needed supplies in
order to bring care and treatment to all parts
of the affected countries. The funding also is
aimed at building a stronger health care
system because it will aim to train cadres of
health workers to bolster care at a community
level throughout the affected region
“The global community is now responding with
the urgency and the scale needed to begin to
turn back this unprecedented Ebola crisis,”
said World Bank Group President Jim Yong
Kim, who was speaking today at a special
session on the Ebola crisis at the United
Nations. “The real challenge now is to bring
care and treatment to the most remote areas
as well as the cities and then to build a
stronger health care system. This funding will
help the countries start a massive scale up of
training of community health workers and
bring needed supplies and equipment.
The World Bank Group previously announced
that it was mobilizing $230 million for the
three countries hardest hit by the crisis—
Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone—including a
$117 million emergency response. This
support – coordinated closely with the World
Health Organization, the United Nations, the
United States, and other international and
country partners – has assisted countries in
treating the sick, cope with the economic
impact, and improve their public health
The additional planned support will make
$113 million that had been earmarked in the
earlier package for longer-term help
immediately available for the emergency
response. The new package will have $170
million set aside in medium- to longer-term
assistance for the countries’ health systems.

Sunday, 28 September 2014


Carlos Slim, Chairman of Grupo Carso

Born: Carlos Slim Helú January 28, 1940 (age
74) Mexico City, Mexico

Residence: Mexico City, Mexico

Nationality: Mexican

Ethnicity: Lebanese

Education: Civil Engineering

Alma mater: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de

Occupation: Chairman & CEO of Telmex,
América Móvil and Grupo Carso

Known for: World's wealthiest person (2007,
2010-2013, 2014)Net worth Increase $86.1
billion (September 2014)

Religion: Maronite Catholics

Spouse(s): Soumaya Domit (m. 1967; died

Children : Carlos Marco Antonio Everétt Patrick
Soumaya Vanessa Johanna

Parents: Julián Slim Haddad (deceased) Linda

Tuesday, 9 September 2014


Considering the insurgent activities of the  Boko Haram sect  in the  Northern
Nigeria and their recent movement towards Maiduguri in Nigeria, it appeared,
yesterday, as though the army has given up, with
soldiers deserting and residents fleeing the
towns and villages.
At night, a resident said he was awake and
heard gun shots from a distance. “Nobody can
sleep anymore,” explained a resident from
Maiduguri, who wanted to remain anonymous.
Gwoza, Bama, Gulak, Michika, Duhu, Shuwa,
Kirshinga captured by insurgents
Gwoza, Bama, Gulak, Michika, Duhu, Shuwa,
Kirshinga – the Islamists have been capturing
new cities on an almost daily basis.
They arrive in hijacked army vehicles, fight off
the Nigerian troops and terrorise the
residents. “Boko Haram are committing all
kinds of atrocities killing and raping. At the
same time they are taking young girls in
batches and the city is littered with dead
bodies,” said Senator Ahmed Zanna. Bama is
just 70 kilometers (43.5 miles) from Maiduguri
and fell to the Islamists four days ago. Zanna
recounts how the soldiers who were supposed
to defend Bama, refused to advance any
further, noting, “They were ill equipped and
they just stayed in Kondudga.”
Sect gunning for Maiduguri
Maiduguri would be a major win for Boko
Haram in their hope of creating an Islamist-
ruled state. “Even a brief capture of Borno’s
capital, will be a significant symbolic victory
for Boko Haram,” said Ryan Cummings, a
South African security expert, who is also a
member of the Nigerian Security Networks.
Capturing Maiduguri would give Boko Haram
a very strong boost, believes the Nigerian
expert Nnamdi Obasi of the International
Crisis Group, added. With Maiduguri, the
Islamists would not only control a major city
but also an international airport.
The morale of the government troops is very
low and the terrorists are better equipped.
Military officers said: “We cannot do anything
against Boko Haram, because most of the
Boko Haram are using modern automatic
weapons and the military is using AK47s.”
A reporter in Adamawa State said the
town can also fall prey to Boko Haram.
We all live in fear, says resident
“We all live in fear,” explained a resident.
“Because soldiers come into our houses, take
off their uniforms and put on civilian clothes.
So if the military is already fleeing the fight,
we don’t stand a chance.”
Over 10,000 flee the fighting
Thousands of people have fled the fighting. In
Yola, the capital of Adamawa State, residents
have taken in those who had to leave their
homes. Ten people now live in one room and a
woman who goes by the name of Aisha
explained their fate: “There is nobody left in
our town. Everyone has left, because the
terrorists came into our town and they killed
the people. We are desperate for help.”
In Maiduguri, residents are now also preparing
to leave. “The people are scared. Many have
already left the city,” said a woman who chose
to remain anonymous. “We who remain here,
hope that God will help us.”
The residents have armed themselves with
sticks. They no longer believe that the army
will defend them. Thousands of young men
have now gathered in Maiduguri and are
demanding that the government recognize
them as local defence groups, so that they can
officially support the soldiers.
“There are soldiers in the city, but they are not
well-armed,” explained a resident who had
trouble sleeping. Even the Senator Ahmed
Zanna is unsure whether the army can defend
Maiduguri: “If Bama with an army of 1,000
can fall within three to five hours, then there is
every likelihood that these people will advance
towards Maiduguri."
In the meantime, official sources say that
Bama is once again under government control
and that Maiduguri is safe for now.
Nevertheless, the residents remain skeptical.

Telecom operator apprehended for N40m theft

A telecom operator, Samson Ukpolo,
was yesterday arraigned before an Ebute-
Metta chief magistrate’s court for allegedly
stealing N40 million.
The defendant, who resides at Plot 3685,
Lakeview Estate, 2nd Rainbow, Amuwo-Odofin,
Lagos, is facing a two-count charge of
conspiracy and stealing.
The prosecutor, Inspector Richard Odigie, told
the court that the telecoms operator, who
worked with Global Investment and
Communication Limited, situated at 5, Charity
Road, Oko-Oba, Ifako-Ijaye, Agege, Lagos, and
others now at large, committed the alleged
offence between January and August 2013.
He said they conspired to steal the said sum
belonging to one Mr. Albert Uduma, who is the
owner of the company.
The prosecutor said the offence was
punishable under Sections 409 and 285 of the
Criminal Laws of Lagos State of Nigeria, 2011.
The defendant’s counsel, Ola Ogunbiyi, urged
the court to grant the defendant bail in the
most liberal term.
Ogunbiyi further informed the court that the
defendant could not be responsible for the
offence of other employees.
In her short ruling on the bail application,
Magistrate E. B. Daodu admitted the
defendant to bail in the sum of N1 million
with two responsible sureties in like sum.
Daodu also ordered that one of the sureties
must have a landed property within Lagos
State, while the second surety must be a
Grade Level 15 officer in Lagos State or federal
She further ordered that the two sureties must
deposit N200,000 each to the designated
account of the court’s Chief Registrar, and
show the court evidence of three years tax
payment to Lagos State government.
The magistrate, however, ordered that the
defendant be remanded in prison custody
pending the perfection of his bail condition
and adjourned the matter till October 22.


Sunday, 7 September 2014


With every passing day of your life,you get to meet people who consciously or unconsciously develop a perception about your personality. Most times those perceptions eventually becomes the pattern with which you are thus identified. These perceptions of people about you a times are actually the wrong ideas of who you really are. You ignorantly accept this perceptions which usually come in form of words into your psychological system and begin to act in accordance with them all because you do not know who you are.
The fact is,for as long as you don't know who you are,people will keep making you believe you are who you are not. At such your thought and actions will simply be a product of the nasty ideas of those who apart from not knowing you do not even know themselves either. It then means that the idea of knowing yourself is not just crucial but very fundamental in fulfilling your God given destiny.
You know who you are by
Studying the word of God which tells us about the mind and intensions of God concerning his children. And just as, he says in the book of Jeremiah 29:11 they are good and not evil.
You can also know who you are by asking God who is ever willing to hear and,answer you at all times(Mathew 4:4)
And you can finally know who you are by hearing the word of God from his preachers and the holy spirit.
Now that you know how to know who you are,we will like to ask you again,WHO ARE YOU?


Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
Born: 13 June 1954
Ogwashi-Uku , Nigeria

Political party: People's Democratic Party

Alma mater: Harvard University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Profession: Economist

Nationality: Nigerian

Spouse: Ikemba Iweala

known for her contribution in the economy of Nigeria


One of the major reasons why people get so high in life and fall or even never go high at all after acquiring so much is because they lack good character. Character is the ladder upon which people can go high and its also the magnet that can keep people at the top.
Dictionary wise character is defined as the distinguishing feature or moral strength of a person. It means that your character either good or bad determines your level of strength morally.
Although we are made to feel that morales do not matter in the world of today its fortunately the determinant of what so many people become today. Fortunate i say because its a positive fact that one's result can take him to the top but may not be able to keep him at the top. Cultivating or developing good character is not a one day issue,its rather a cumulative affair that starts in a day. Its relevant in all issues as it includes good studying character,good eating character,good sleeping character,good talking and even sitting character. The truth is that everybody has a character but not everybody has a good character.
And if your character is not good it is nothing other than bad. You may have being exhibiting bad characters all the while but i think its time for a change of character. It may not be easy but always,keep this in mind that roam was not built in a day. You have a chance to make a better future now so don't allow your character become an agent of set back.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Cameroon army ‘kills 40 Boko Haram fighters

Cameroon’s army claimed
on Tuesday to have killed more than 40 Boko
Haram fighters who tried to storm a strategic
border crossing from Nigeria.
Heavily armed fighters “attempted to cross the
bridge at Fotokol” in the extreme north of the
country and opened fire on Cameroonian
soldiers, the ministry of defence told state
“Cameroon defence forces energetically
reacted to this assault which lasted three
hours,” the ministry said, adding that one
soldier was wounded by mortar shrapnel.
There was no independent confirmation of the
Gamboru Ngala, the Nigerian town on the
other side of the bridge, fell to the Islamist
extremists last week after they reportedly
overran the Nigerian garrison there.
For several days people living in towns and
villages in northeast Nigeria recently captured
by Boko Haram have been fleeing towards
Cameroon to escape the militants.
The extremists, who have waged a bloody
insurgency for five years in northern Nigeria,
seem to have changed tactics in recent
months, going from spectacular kidnappings,
massacres and suicide attacks to attempting
to conquer territory.
Cameroon’s Defence Ministry said that 246
Nigerian soldiers and customs officials who
had fled Gamboru Ngala into Cameroon to
escape the Boko Haram offensive “have left
the Fotokol area under military escort” to
rejoin their units in Banki in Nigeria.
Several hundred Nigerian soldiers abandoned
border posts further to the south along the
long and isolated border last week in face of
the militants’ advance, military sources said.
The Nigerian army denied its troops had fled
into Cameroon, instead calling the retreat a
“tactical manoeuvre”.


Mahatma Gandhi
Born: Mohandas Karamchand  Gandhi
2 October 1869
Porbandar, Kathiawar
Agency, British Indian

Died: 30 January 1948 (aged 78)
New Delhi, India

Cause of death: Assassination by shooting

Resting place:
Cremated at Rajghat, Delhi
28°38′29″N 77°14′54″E / 
28.6415°N 77.2483°E

Other names: Mahatma Gandhi, Bapu,


Alma mater: Alfred High School, Rajkot ,
Samaldas College,
University College, London
( UCL)

Known for: Leadership of Indian independence movement,
philosophy of Satyagraha,
Ahimsa or nonviolence .
Movement Indian National Congress

Religion: Hinduism , with Jain

Spouse(s): Kasturba Gandhi

Children: Harilal

Parents: Putlibai Gandhi (Mother)
Karamchand Gandhi (Father

Vision and Mission

The major reason  why so many people do just everything  without weighing the effect is because they lack direction on what they really want. The want in,the statement above is what we regard as vision and to a very large extent,your vision determines what you do,better put "mission". Vision is like a desired destination while the mission is what you do to get to the destination. For any personality that must ever become relevant its crucial to have a defined vision and a well planned mission. Taking reference from organisations for instance, they state clearly their reason for existence whether for profit making or not for profit making. The two categories above determines what you expect from any organisation as which ever they identify with determines what kind of actions they exhibit.
Whats your vision,do you have a mission?

Monday, 25 August 2014


Managing Director of the International
Monetary Fund
Assumed office in July 2011

Born: Christine Madeleine Odette
1 January 1956 (age 58)
Paris, France

Political party: Union for a Popular Movement

Spouse(s): Wilfred Lagarde (Divorced)
Eachran Gilmour (Divorced)

Domestic partner: Xavier Giocanti

Alma mater: Paris West University
Nanterre La Défense
Institute of Political Studies, Aix

Religion: Roman Catholicism

Wednesday, 20 August 2014


Sir William Arthur Lewis
Born: William Arthur Lewis
January 23, 1915
Castries , Saint Lucia, British
Windward Islands
Died :June 15, 1991 (aged 76)
Saint Michael , Barbados
Nationality: Saint Lucia, United Kingdom
Institutions: LSE (1938–1948)
University of Manchester
University of West Indies
Princeton University (1963–
Alma mater: LSE
Thesis: The economics of loyalty contracts
Doctoral advisor: Sir Arnold Plant
Known for: Development Economics,Industrial
structure and History of the World Economy
Notable awards: Nobel Memorial Prize in
Economic Sciences (1979)
Spouse:Glady Jacobs (m.1947), two

Monday, 18 August 2014

Making of great men!

needed virtues:-
character: solid character foundation is needful as storms are certain to come by on your way to greatness but character will keep you through
Vision: Now is the right time to start to start organising your future. there is a passive potential in you that can never be active. without vision , You will not be able to feature in the future.
You need the right company: whoever does not understand your vision may end up killing your future.
What or who you carry in you:A lion does not train to roar its in it. Be God possesed and you,will reing via God good morning

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Nigeria third on FIFA African ranking

JOHANNESBURG, (AFP) – FIFA monthly Africa
national team rankings released Thursday
(Africa ranking, world ranking):
Algeria 1 24
Ivory Coast 2 25
Nigeria 3 33
Ghana 4 36
Egypt 5 38
Tunisia 6 42
Sierra Leone 7 50
Cameroon 8 54
Burkina Faso 9 58
Senegal 10 59
Mali 11 60
Libya 12 62
Guinea 13 64
South Africa 14 69
Cape Verde 15 74
Angola 16 75
Benin 17 77
Congo 18 78
Morocco 19 81
Uganda 20 81
Zambia 21 84
Botswana 22 86
Togo 23 87
Zimbabwe 24 90
DR Congo 25 93
Rwanda 26 101
Gabon 27 102
Kenya 28 104
Lesotho 29 105
Malawi 30 106
Mozambique 31 107
Tanzania 32 110
Ethiopia 33 112
Eq. Guinea 34 113
Namibia 35 114
Sudan 36 115
Niger 37 118
Liberia 38 119
C.A.R. 39 120
Guinea-Bissau 40 123
Burundi 41 129
Mauritania 42 133
Chad 43 140
Madagascar 44 143
Gambia 45 148
Swaziland 46 158
Comoros 47 175
Sao Tome 48 177
Seychelles 49 180
S. Sudan 50 185
Mauritius 51 188
Eritrea 52 203
Somalia 53 204
Djibouti 54 205

Sunday, 10 August 2014


Folorunsho ALAKIJA
Born: 1951 Ikorodu Lagos State

Residence: Lagos , Nigeria

Nationality: Nigeria

Occupation: Business tycoon

Known for Philanthropy

Net worth: US$2.5 billion (2012) [1]

Religion: Christian

Spouse(s) : Modupe Alakija (m. 1976)

Children: 4

Wednesday, 6 August 2014


Born :Michael King, Jr.January 15, 1929Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.
Died :April 4, 1968 (aged 39)Memphis, Tennessee , U.S.MonumentsMartin Luther King, Jr.Memorial
Alma mater: Morehouse College (B.A.)Crozer TheologicalSeminary (B.D. )Boston University (Ph.D. )
Occupation:Clergyman, activist.
Organization: Southern ChristianLeadership Conference(SCLC)Movement African-American Civil RightsMovement, Peace movement
Religion :Christianity
Denomination :Baptist (Progressive NationalBaptist Convention)
Spouse(s) :Coretta Scott King (m. 1953–1968)
Children :Yolanda Denise King(1955–2007)Martin Luther King III (b.1957)Dexter Scott King (b.1961)Bernice Albertine King (b.1963)
Parents :Martin Luther King, Sr.Alberta Williams King
Awards :Nobel Peace Prize (1964),Presidential Medal ofFreedom (1977,posthumous), CongressionalGold Medal (2004,posthumous)

Tuesday, 29 July 2014


Self-acclaimed Niger
Delta warlord Terrorist
and leader of Niger Delta
Peoples Salvation Force
(NDPSF), Alhaji Mujahid
Dokubo-Asari has
opened a fresh page on
last Wednesday’s
assassination attempt on
former Head of State,
General Mohammed
Buhari (retd) by
suspected Boko Haram
Dokubo alleged that
Buhari stage-managed
the attack on himself in
order to attract public
sympathy and paint
President Goodluck
Jonathan as a bad leader.
The former President of
Ijaw Youth Council (IYC),
who addressed the
media in Abuja, added
that Buhari and his
group would fail in their
conspiracy and
desperation to take over
power from Jonathan.
Claiming he knew Buhari
so well, Asari said the
former Head of State
was not known to ride in
a bullet-proof car prior
to the incident, alleging
that the use of an
armoured SUV in his
convoy started recently
which confirmed his
allegation. However, he
noted that he did not
wish death on Buhari.
His words: “That attack
was stage-managed.
Buhari and his group
stage-managed it. First,
Buhari was not using a
bullet-proof car before. I
know Buhari very well.
Why did he use
bulletproof car that day?
He did not die. None of
his aides died.
“Innocent people were
killed. We all know what
they are doing, but they
will fail. All that they are
looking for will fail. We
are waiting for them.
They should plot. We,
too, we are plotting. And
when they are ready for
the battle, we will come
out openly and meet
them at the battlefield.
Let them be throwing
bombs in their place and
be doing what they are
doing. Let them shift the
bombs to our place and
then we will look at the
I do not wish him to die
but like it is said, ‘there is
God in this evil they are
plotting’ and the evil will
be on their head. He who
will ride on the back of
the lion will end up in
the belly of the lion.
“I know that the same
way Chibok was stage-
managed was the same
way they stage-
managed it. Where did
he get the bullet-proof
car he used? Why did he
use bullet-proof car that
day when the bomb
exploded and nothing
happened to him?”
Asari also warned that
the Niger Delta people
would fight back should
anything happen to
President Jonathan.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

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In office: January 23, 1997 – January 20, 2001
President: Bill Clinton
Preceded by
Warren Christopher
Succeeded by
Colin Powell
20th United States Ambassador to the
United Nations
In office
January 27, 1993 – January 21, 1997 during
President Bill Clinton's tenure
Preceded by Edward J. Perkins
Succeeded by
Bill Richardson
Born: Marie Jana Korbel
May 15, 1937 (age 77)
Prague, Czechoslovakia
(now Czech Republic)
Political party: Democratic
Spouse(s) : Joseph Medill Patterson
(m. 1959–1982; divorced)
Children: Alice Patterson Albright
Anne Korbel Albright
Katherine Medill Albright
Parents: Josef Korbel
Anna Spieglova
Alma mater: Wellesley College
Johns Hopkins University
Columbia University
Religion: Episcopalian
(Previously Catholicism )
Marie Jana Korbel is a
Czech-born American politician and
diplomat. She is the first woman to have
become the United States Secretary of

Monday, 21 July 2014


Born: Akinwande Oluwole Soyinka was
13 July 1934 (age 80)
Abeokuta , Nigeria Protectorate
(now Ogun State, Nigeria)

Occupation: Author, poet, playwright

Nationality: Nigerian

Period 1957–2014

Genres : Drama, Novel, poetry

Subjects :Comparative literature

Notable award(s) :Nobel Prize in Literature
Academy of Achievement
Golden Plate Award


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Sunday, 13 July 2014


BORN :    The Hon. Augusta        Ada
10 December 1815
London, England

DIED :   27 November 1852
(aged 36)
Marylebone , London,

Church of St. Mary
Magdalene, Hucknall,
Nottingham, England

TITLE : Countess of Lovelace

SPOUSES(s) :  William King-Noel, 1st Earl
of Lovelace

CHILDREN :  Byron King-Noel,
Viscount Ockham and 12th
Baron Wentworth
Anne Blunt, 15th
Baroness Wentworth
Ralph King-Milbanke, 2nd
Earl of Lovelace

PARENTS:  George Gordon Byron, 6th
Baron Byron
Anne Isabella Milbanke,
11th Baroness Wentworth

Monday, 7 July 2014


NAME: Benjamin Solomon Carson
September 18, 1951
(age 62)
NATIONALITY: Detroit , Michigan, United
FIELD: Pediatric Neurosurgery
INSTITUTION: Johns Hopkins Hospital
Alma mater: Yale University
University of Michigan
Medical School
Known for Separation of conjoined
Presidential Medal of
Freedom (2008)
SPOUSE: Lacena Rustin (m. 1975)
CHILDREN: 3 sons;

Monday, 12 May 2014

Nyanya Bombers wanted for 25 Million Naira

N25 million bounty has being announced to be the reward of any body that knows how the men that  Masterminded the nyanya bomb last could be apprehended.
The first man is identified as Rufai Abubakar Tsiga, is a Boko Haram leader who is currently on the run.The second mastermind at large is known as Aminu Sadiq. He is a student of Arabic Language at the International University of Africa, Sudan, and a native of Orokam, Ogbadibo Local Government Area of Benue State. Some already apprehended
Suspects believed to be Boko Haram Members are Ahmad Rufai Abubakar (from the left in the picture) Muhammadu Sani Ishaq Adamu Yusuf Yau Saidu and Anas Isah that master minded April 14 El.Rufai motor Park bombing in Nyanya

Boko haram and Nigeria's Chibok Girls

Boko haram leaders re affirm their condition that all their members arrested be released else the kiddnaped chibok girls will not be released . Is that workable?
this was made known on their latest video on BBC

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Saturday, 10 May 2014

Bring back our Girls!

This menace of boko haram in Nigeria has become an obvious nail that seems as though nobody can remove. But we are sure that God will end this quagmire someday.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014


Heroes are not heroes because they did the possible but that they imagined the impossible fought for his materialism and actualised their thought.
Sir nelson Mandela was not just a country hero he is an African worldwide hero of class and standard. Despite the huddles encountered in his quest for his people’s freedom. He chose to throw himself fully into the fight for justice, liberation and freedom. A true genius recognised by the world as he won the 1993 Nobel peace prize jointly with klerk. He fought for South Africa’s peace and the democracy which was what enabled him to earn the worthy position of the first black president of South Africa. The list of Africa’sS heroes can never be complete without the man nelson Mandela
                                                                                                                                       Adieu Rolihlahla            

Saturday, 29 March 2014


Its crazy how humans think in this generation. So archaic,miopic and limited, constraining their great talents in a cage all because of their mind. Look a limited life is a product of a limited mind and until you start thinking big you will never go beyond your challenges and average world. Everything is possible if only you can imagine and believe. Dream beyond possibilities and be rest assured that you can bring them to the world of possibilities. Impossiblities are possibilities disbelieved. Get out of that small cage of bribery,pride,Arrogance,self criticisms,exams malpractices, disbelieve,cults,prostitution, dwelling in the past and all those limiting cages. Your mind is far better and more than them make use of it for better purposes. Give Jesus a chance to help you use your mind and you would be amazed at your achievements God bless you.

Saturday, 8 March 2014


For every man that ever made or will make an impact on the surface of this earth there is a turning point. Considering the fact that no man is born a hero,there exist a particular point ín life where every human being comes face to face with what i call the destiny jet (pre-motion decision) and the action and reaction you make at this point determines your success or failure in life. You may have being there or not but one thing is certain, that after the official visit of this destiny jet which everybody is entitled to it takes the grace of God for it to come back to whoever has failed to board the jet. In simple words, life is well planned for you but there comes a time where you choose to flow through the well planned life for you or deviate to a contrary life of undue hardship and failure at different instances. Which decisions have you made and which decisions are you making now. There is still a place of grace to trace you back to your right track should you have made decisions amiss in the past. Turning point exist in any situation that has to do with time,find your turning point and maximize it now for there your story changes.

Monday, 24 February 2014


Understanding The Concept of TIME!
A man who must ever become a wonder to his world must be ready to acknowledge the worth of time and efficiently maximise the little or much available to him. Its only ignorance and negligence that can make anybody feel that he or she has got sufficient time at their disposal. As a matter of fact if you don't die which is actually our desire, you will get old. This means every existing human being is subject to either of this constraint and at such we must be ready to work at achieving the best from which ever time is made available to us. You must not wait for tomorrow to start what you can do today. The earlier you start Woking at achieving your dreams the better. The shortage of time can be seeing in situations such as the inability of a woman to give birth after menopause,  the fact that every thing that start must end,the inability of man to remain a child for a lifetime, the tenure system in leadership positions amongst others.
Considering this constraints we ought to constantly reawaken the need for effectiveness in any condition we find ourselves per time else we will loose relevance in the place of destiny and fulfilment.
Finally we need discipline,contiousness and diligence to understand and work with time. Time is short but can be effectively maximised,start now!


Corruption a friendly killer
The effect of this friend in our offices be they governmental or private, schools, social sectors and even the religious sectors is no more a new phenomena. As bitter as it feels it seem to be gaining more friends and captives. corruption is a deadly disease that has no respect in its choice of host and at such we find both the old and young indulging in corrupt activities without any feeling of reproach or appology. In our subcontious thought we imagine corruption to be only when people in high government positions or positions of power and authority deprive their subjects of their rights or mismanage government funds which is correct. But we must also be quick to observe that all such actions have their origins traceable to the grassroots . Grassroots such as our one on one relationship with people in our levels, the way we respond to evil activities such as bribery and the likes in fields of learning, markets amongst others.
Knowing this makes it a necessity for us to personally sensitise our self against corruption first by being practical examples with respect to good conduct and attitude. Its only then that we can teach people to stand against corruption . And as we affect people they in turn affect others and the chain will continue until we have bleeded out this virus corruption from our world. CORRUPTION IS EVIL, FIGHT IT!

Friday, 21 February 2014


The world can only be better if we grow out of selfishness and pride into a realm of true and pure love for not just the people we know and associate with but with any body that exist as a human being. We must learn to be considerate,patient and homely for in them dwells peace. Its easier to change the beneficiary of your love faster than any other person. LOVE IS POWER IN WEAKNESS

Sunday, 16 February 2014


Never you indulge in anything that will become a menance and a source of regret to you TOMORROW in your TODAY! Good morning #wisenaija


If only some people had known this earlier perhaps they would have being better than what they are today. Respect is an attitude of consideration or regard towards a person or a thing. Its a symbol of humility and submission to higher authorities or authority as the case may be. If only we respect people around us especially the older people we wouldnt have being needing to make some prayers as our respect will go a longway to earn answers to such prayers. Your ability to acknowledge people without sentiments and favoritism is a necessary factor to your genuine success. Let your actions towards people be they older or younger than you prompt them to bless you consciously and even unconsciously. The respect you give today may be your path way to the top tomorrow. Don't disdain authority,age and experience and success will chase and be submissive to you at all times.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Patience Pays!

Many atimes we attribute patience to a very lengthy space of time which is not wrong but we must also be informed that it could be for a short time. Patience is an act of simply waiting. It could be long termed waiting and it could also be short termed waiting, but one thing is certain, it pays to be patient irrespective of the situation or conditions.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Satisfaction is created ,Not Attained

So many people find it difficult to live happily in our world of today all because they illusionally imagine the existence of a point where satisfaction abides in life,Probably may be when they get married or buy a choice car or even build a desired house or what have you. Unfortunately they eventually get to acquire all they wanted but honestly lack that satisfaction they thought would follow the acquisitions. Even economics that talks so much about utility acknowledges the fact that human needs are insatiable.
What actually is the problem? Is it that satisfaction can not be experienced or that it does not exist? The fact is that satisfaction and happiness is a function of choice and not until you choose to be satisfied you will remain in the valley of frustration and dissatisfaction. You may not have all you want now but your ability to overlook set backs and flaws is paramount to achieving satisfaction.
Finally the only free giver of satisfaction is God for he cares about our burdens. Try him and you would see that the satisfaction you desire is in abundance in him for you to tap.

Friday, 31 January 2014


Focusing is a term that is usually associated with photography. It simply refers to concentration of attention or rays as the case may be. Focusing comes to play only when there is need for achieving a goal or purpose. Its so disheartening to see so many human beings  living on a complex place as life without focus which is probably why we have so many broken homes, visionless youths, unfulfilled lives amongst others. Living a focused life constraints a life to simply pattern into a mold that will produce nothing other than the desired goal for which the mold was initiated.A life without focus does everything but achieves little or nothing . As a matter of fact the absence of focus permits fruitless struggles. A focused life is a purposeful life , full of aspirations,expectations and determination. Focus  is a necessary requirement for every life that must excel. It may entail some level of sacrifice as you must have to forfeit some lifestyle but just as a growing tree is pruned to enable  it become what the farmer wants, will focuse make you achieve your dreams. Be focused!

Friday, 3 January 2014


Looking closely at the society of today 90
percent of all the problems that arises
between people in the society originated
out of the fact that non of the parties
involved is or was willing to accept the
position of the de faulty even when its
glaringly obvious that they are at fault.
Such an indespecable act explains nothing
other than pride. Pride is a feeling that you
are exceptionally better than any other
person pride is the opposite of humility .
Actually is not bad to acknowledge your
worth but an excessive acknowledgment of
ones self ends up in pride. A proud man
will never GROW because he is subjected
to constant resistance from God and if God
be against a man who can save him? You
gain everything from being humble and
exactly nothing from pride. 


Right from the fall of man dressing became
an integral part of humanity,and even God
himself stepped in to create a standard for
man to maintain. The original essence of
dressing was to primly cover mans
nakedness,control his atmospheric
temperature as well as make man look as
presentable as possible(modesty). Over
the years there has being some form of
modifications on these essence of dressing
but the disastrous thing about this
generation is that our modification is
gradually conforming to the direct opposite
of the real essence of dressing. Sensitive
parts that were secluded to room sight has
become public attractions . What's really
happening? One could say there has being
a circle in the trend of dressing from the
past to now but some of our current
features are strange in those trends. Look
if you must Dress you must dress well
cause you would surely be addressed by
your dressing. Modesty smartness and
decency must be your guide if you must
dress well. Don't dress to please the crowd
but dress to teach the crowd


One of the fastest killer of ones
destiny is the simple act of trying to be like
another person. For as long as you keep
trying to behave, reason, act and talk like
another personality you will never fit
perfectly into your God given destiny. As a
matter of fact behaving like other people is
an act of disbelieving your own destiny and
at that you are struggling to be the
photocopy of an existing talent. Why waste
your time to become a photocopy when
you are an entirely new and original brand
of gift that your generation is craving for.
Its high time you start being you because
they are a whole lot waiting for your
manifestation. Don't fail God and don't fail